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What Are My Hormone Treatment Options?

Hot flashes, night sweats, and mood swings, oh my! If these and other symptoms are making you feel like you're riding an emotional roller coaster as you enter your 40s and 50s, you’re not alone.

Although it’s a natural phase in every woman's life, menopause — and the hormonal symptoms it brings — can feel anything but natural. Fortunately, you don’t have to suffer in silence. Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) can help you navigate this transition with greater ease and comfort.

Our team at OB-GYN Associates of Marietta specializes in HRT for women in menopause, and here’s what you need to know about your hormone treatment options.

An overview of common menopause symptoms

Menopause marks the end of your menstrual cycles. It typically develops between the ages of 45 and 55, because your ovaries gradually stop producing as much estrogen and progesterone as they did in your younger years.

This shift in hormones is the cause behind all of the most notorious menopause symptoms, including hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, mood swings, sleep disturbances, and decreased libido.

Exploring hormone treatment options

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) aims to tame menopause symptoms by supplementing your body with the hormones it no longer produces. HRT for menopause typically involves estrogen and progesterone, although some treatments may include testosterone as well.

HRT is a highly customizable treatment. We work with you to find the optimal dosage to balance your hormones, and you can choose from among several treatment options.

Oral medication

One of the most common types of HRT involves taking hormone medications orally. These medications come in pill form, and most women take their hormone medication daily to relieve menopause symptoms.

Oral HRT is a convenient and straightforward way to rebalance your hormones. It fits easily into your daily routine, and all you need to do is take your prescribed dose at the same time each day. 

While oral HRT is generally safe, it may carry a slightly higher risk of certain side effects, like blood clots and stroke, compared to other treatment methods.

Skin patches

Hormone patches are another popular option for menopausal symptom relief. These patches stick to your skin and release hormones continuously over a specified period, usually one week.

Skin patches offer a steady and controlled supply of estrogen and progesterone, which helps maintain stable hormone levels throughout the day. Patches eliminate the need to remember to take a pill each day, and this type of HRT may reduce your risk of gastrointestinal side effects that are associated with oral medications.

Vaginal creams and inserts

For women who are experiencing vaginal dryness, discomfort during intercourse, or urinary symptoms related to menopause, vaginal creams and inserts can provide targeted relief. 

These products contain estrogen, and you apply them directly to the vaginal area, where they help restore moisture and elasticity.

You can use vaginal creams and inserts as needed. They’re a flexible and convenient option for managing specific symptoms, particularly if you don’t want to take a pill or use skin patches.

Is HRT right for you?

Before starting any hormone treatment regimen, it's essential to talk to your health care team. If you’re interested in HRT for menopause symptoms, our team offers comprehensive consultations and personalized care plans.

We ask questions about your symptoms, evaluate your current health needs, and review your medical history to determine your most appropriate treatment option. We help you weigh the benefits and risks of each treatment type, so you can make the best decision for your situation.

Menopause symptoms have the power to erode your quality of life, but you don't have to suffer in silence. HRT offers hope — and we’re here to help you navigate this life transition smoothly. 

Call to schedule a consultation at one of our offices in Marietta and Woodstock, Georgia, and get a plan that addresses your specific menopause symptoms effectively.

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